Monday, January 21, 2008

I am deeply disturbed...

I have been deeply disturbed by some writings that I came across recently. Now, before I go further, I think it is important to understand that I don't read many books. I am not one that is very much into the latest religious bestseller, nor do I purchase a book because it was written by some well-known name in the Christian community. I look for books that will bring life, even if those books were written long ago. Such is the case with The Cost of Discipleship, written in 1937 by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Dietrich was a German pastor who opposed the Nazi regime, and was involved in an attempt to overthrow Hitler. The plan failed, and Bonhoeffer was arrested and eventually executed. Yet, in his book, which I have not completed, he made two profound statements which rattled my core. In his discussion of cheap grace, Bonhoeffer wrote that "my only duty as a Christian is to leave the world for an hour or so on a Sunday morning and go to church to be assured that my sins are all forgiven." Why does this comment disturb me so? Because it still rings true today, maybe even more than when it was written. I go to church to fulfill my weekly obligation, and then I go and live life the way I desire the other six days of the week. I so easily forget the words of Jesus as He prayed in the garden of Gethsemane: "Nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will." I had to look at myself and admit that there were areas of my life where I have accepted the cheap grace that Bonhoeffer describes.

The next statement is actually a question that Bonhoeffer poses, and that is this: "How can we live the Christian life in the modern world?" While the answer sounds simple, its execution is not. The simple answer is obedience to Christ. But how do I do that unless I know what I am to obey? Here again is the result of cheap grace. It is not necessary for me to study the Bible; that is the job of the pastor. And because he is a pastor, he is held to a higher standard than I am. When will I get to the point where I begin to see that I am the problem, and the only way to become a part of the solution is to accept the grace that will cost me something, and that is my life? It is easy for me to read the words of Paul when he says that it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. Yet, is that what I do? Has the Gospel of Christ affected me personally?


Anonymous said...


I found this blog and was very happy that I did. I attended the Church is College Hill for quite some time and still say you are the Godliest man I've ever met. Nothing fake or phony...just the real deal. Your really a great man of God. Is there a place I can get more info on your church? I'm also going to tune it tomorrow to your radio program. Again, it's great to read your blog. We thought maybe you'd moved out of the the area. It sounds like you're doing well. On a side note, for the anonymous person who I have seen respond to some of the blogs......get a clue! You know nothing of what you talk about. Go start trouble somewhere else. If you'd actually spend five minutes talking to Ron you'd know!

Ron said...


Thank you so much for your post. The fellowship is called The Family of God of Cincinnati, and we are currently worshipping at the YMCA on Winton Rd. in Finneytown. We begin at 1:30 p.m. and we are finished by 3:00 p.m.

jel said...

hi Friend!

Anonymous said...

"If you'd actually spend five minutes talking to Ron you'd know!"

Actually, I have spent much, much more than five minutes in the presence of Pompous Ron Mosby along with several hundred neighbors at city council meetings. And from that time, I can tell he has been caught outright lying, if not bending the truth or putting the WalMart spin on things to meet his needs.

Would you like me to cite examples? I can do that, hmm?

Anonymous said...


No need to cite examples. Obviously, you have your own agenda. This blog has nothing to do with Wal-Mart, etc. Seriously, I think you have some real issues. Taking shots every chance you get....go look in the mirror. It's been a while since the last entry and I'm looking forward to the next one. I still haven't had a chance to catch the radio program. What's the format of the program? I'll try again this weekend.

jel said...

Anony, if your life so dull you have to put someone down to make your self feel better?

if you believe what you are saying why don't put your name on your comment!

Anonymous said...

You need to stay away from Randy Shankle. he has disqualified himself as an elder/bishop. It does not matter if man accepts him as such, as history proves churches use elders who have been disqualified. Scripture says that the gifts of God are without repentance. Randy can prophesy and even have a relationship with God, but be disqualified as an elder. Are you gonna whore yourself spiritually, to get those gifts?

A doctor contacted me a couple years ago asking for help because his wife moved to Randy's church. Bruce DeLay a former elder under Randy has said that Randy takes wives of those whom disagrees with to be trophy wives for obedient sons. This doctor had Randy on the phone with his own pastor begging Randy to NOT marry his wife to another man. Randy agreed, But married her away anyways.

Randy has confessed that the accusations here on the internet are true. (I believe this occurred Sept 24, 06.)

on Oct 8, 06 Jeff (an elder under Randy, in his administration) said, "be wronged, eat it, and shut up".

1 Tim 3:2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;

Titus 1:
6 If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly.
7: For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre;

Brother Randy,

Since you have taken upon yourself to remove me as your spiritual father, after the Melchisedec order, I cannot accept the tithe. It was not my doing in Hartford, Ak when our Father decided to hear the cry of your heart and sent me to be in your life to take away your reproach of not having anyone over you to reflect the Father. Jesus never sent me to take His place in your life, but to bring a part which was missing/lacking. You were trying to have authority over other men without being under authority yourself. Now, you are back to where our Father desired to mature you, before Hartford!

You and the elders of Marshall made a covenant upon that mountain in 1998. It would have been better for you not to have made a covenant than to make it and not keep it (Eccl 5:2-6). I have forgiven you before this letter, but I pray that God be not angry at your voice, and forgive you! My love for you all have not ceased. Humble...(the copy of the letter is cut off and cannot be seen here)...and walk softly!

Your brother in Christ


June 30, 2005

Greetings Brethren,

As you know from the first time I came to fellowship with you in Marshall, TX, being with you from 1998 until 2005 at various seasons. My manner among you was a reflection of the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, serving the Lord with all humility of mind, character and in love respecting no man's person. And how I kept back nothing that was profitable, but have showed you what a model of a father in the faith should demonstrate. I have reflected a mature father publicly and in private meetings of the Elders. Testifying to the arrogant, proud and unyielding, repentance toward God and forgiving one another their trespasses with faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. (Matt. 6:14:15; 5:23-24; Mark 11:25-26; Matt. 18:15-17)

A Restoration, Reconciliation, and Fellowship meeting was scheduled in Oklahoma City, April 23, 2005. The purpose of this meeting was to end the years of rebellion and unforgiveness existing between the brethren of the Apostolic Company. I went with other sons bound in spirit, and being warned of the things that would befall me, that is, Randy Shankle would give a pretense of repentance and arrogantly take over the meeting; without regard to an apostolic father's administration. Yet, none of the warnings moved me from God's purpose to give Randy Shankle one final chance to change! The goal was to speak for our Father and reflect the grace of Jesus Christ. As it was told me, Randy would give an arrogant display of control and non-submission to my apostolic authority, thus, bringing very little real fruit of restoration (their words were true). The words from our Father were clear and concise as delivered by me with written documentation given to all present. I did not shun declaring unto all, the counsel God gave me to deliver.

I attended the May 2005 meeting in Marshall, TX to see what would be the final fruit of the Oklahoma meeting. There was a clear demonstration of dishonor to a father in the faith and his wife, but the grace of God was with us! During the elders meetings Randy Shankle declared his independence from the oversight God placed in his life. Today, he is without oversight and accountability as he was back in 1998 before the Spirit of God spoke in the camp of Hartford, Ark.

Wherefore, brethren, I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all. For I know this, my ministry and example among you were not in vain, and some of you were touched. Also, I know after my departing grievous wolves were already active in leadership there, not sparing the flock, and speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them. For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as ministers of righteousness whose end shall be according to their works. God, by my mouth tried to snatch Randy out of the fire (i.e. demonic psychology, mind control, despises dominion, jealousy, independance...etc.). Regretfully, some of you see this and do nothing! I have coveted no man's pulpit, silver, or gold, or apparel or congregation. My hands have ministered unto my necessities, and to sons who are with me.

Now I beseech you brethren, Mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. Rom. 16:17-18. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits...Matt.7:15-23. Bro Randy Shankle prophesied from Hartford, Arkansas to Marshall and Houston, TX; California to Detroit, Mississippi, Ohio, Canada, and South Africa that God placed Clarence Hill, Sr to have oversight in his life. However, in the May 2005 meeting, he said to the elders, it was sin on his part to place me in his life! Brethren, was it God or Randy Shankle? Wherefore, by their fruit ye shall know them. And now, Brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to open you eyes to truth.

A copy of my letter to Randy is attached. I have nothing to hide. Any questions may be directed to me at (xxx) xxx-xxxx. We love you all!

Bro. Clarence R. Hill, Sr
Apostolic father of the Faith

cc: selected elders


Your internet search has brought you to this important webpage. If you are seeking information about former TBN personality Randy Shankle, or his current ministry in Marshall, Texas, then it is important for you to have the following information so that a Full Picture is available to you. Some people are making important decisions to uproot family and move across the country to attend the church in Marshall, Texas. I did this myself in 1987 and was there until 1998. Those earlier years will be remembered as the good old days, but things have changed dramatically since that time. It is only fair that sincere, searching people have the truth. I hope you will prayerfully consider this information.
As a graduate of the Discipleship School of the Prophets, a former friend and son in the faith to Randy, a full time elder on staff in Marshall, a frequent traveling companion and fellow minister with Randy for over 10 years, and a long-time trusted pulpit minister at CIM, I have a Responsibility to speak some important things for you to know. FYI - I was a local pastor for 10 years before shutting down a thriving church and moving to Marshall for training. Since leaving Texas, I have continued to serve the Lord in ministry - 27 years now, all totaled. It gives me no pleasure to write this page, but it is right to do so.

The Error in doctrine and practice at CIM has grown so severe, that I must make a public statement. The past automatically connects me to the work in Marshall by shear time and involvement. When I moved away in 1998, I left silently and have basically remained in that posture until last year. A flood of people began to contact me with devastating stories of abusive spiritual authority. Having been so close to the situation, I was able to verify that the stories were indeed true. I had hoped things would get better after I left, but No. The destructive effect that Randy is now having on people has escalated to the point that I must make a public statement of Disconnection from him and the church. This is important for me to do personally, lest people who have known of my past involvement with Randy continue to believe that I endorse him in any way. I am sad to say that not only can I not recommend this man and his ministry, I must publicly denounce it.

There is no need to be explicit with information unless someone is directly involved and needs specific details. I am not interested in speaking to people who are simply curious onlookers. I primarily desire to give someone who is seriously considering getting involved with Randy a chance to reconsider. Things are not as they seem. The Error revolves primarily around issues of abusive ?Authority?; excesses in ?Spiritual Fatherhood?; a well as meddling in private ?Domestic Authority?, resulting in a record number of divorces and terrible pain for God?s people. Control, manipulation and legalism are common and received as normal practice now - all in the name of Divine Authority. There is no viable accountability to anyone outside Randy himself. This has led to the kinds of problems, which pride and independence always create over time. It is my hope that Randy can be recovered, but I do not see anything at this time that leads me to believe it will happen.

I am reminded of several admonitions by Paul in the New Testament, such as: ?Having begun in the spirit, are we now made perfect by the flesh?? No matter how good the beginnings were, in my opinion this ministry has now disqualified itself. When Paul spoke of false prophets, false teachers and false apostles, he never said they didn?t start out on the right track. Some do. We should all stay humble enough to re-evaluate our own lives and receive outside input from others who love us. These are perilous times and we all need real accountability.

Bruce DeLay


For more info on Randy Shankle go here:

covops said...

Need help! No one can even imagine what this man has done and is doing currently. I am no body and he told me he'd destroy me and take my name viral. He has done more than he promised