Thursday, December 01, 2005

The Greatness of Grace

Rom 6:14 (KJV) For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.

What is grace? If we reduce grace to simply unmerited favor, we have truly done a disservice to all that Christ did on the earth. Unmerited favor implies that I get the reward, no matter what. It is a selfish point of view. If I look at grace from a different dimension, I get a much more thorough definition. Grace is the divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in the life. I suddenly see the purpose of grace in my life. It is for me, but it is for me so that God can accomplish something in the earth. Grace is now two parts. First, God must have an influence on my heart. Second, the influence is so powerful that it now reflects in my daily living. Sin had dominion over me before I accepted Christ, but now I am under grace, that divine influence. When sin had dominion over me, it reflected in my life. Now that Christ has influenced me, that influence is reflected in my life. I now understand that His influence is there for a purpose, that He may be glorified in the earth through my life. Unmerited favor simply keeps open the opportunity to sin, because I understand that if I fall short, then I have favor with Him, He forgives me, and I can get restored. “Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?” This I the question that I must ask myself. If I continue in sin by saying I cannot help myself, has grace abounded in my life? Is His influence reflected in my life? Change the way you look at grace, and instantly your life is not your own, but a reflection of His influence, a reflection of His glory.


Kristi B. said...

Wow! That is really helpful. I always get perturbed with people who say that I teach you can trust Christ and go live as you please. But understanding grace as you just explained is would prevent that misconception.

Kc said...

Good points on grace. It is true we're undeserving but equally true that He has a plan and purpose for us.

Ron said...


Absolutely! We have not been created without purpose; on the contrary, He created us with purpose!

Rose~ said...

Great thoughts, Ron. How do they apply to the verse, "We are saved by Grace through faith" ? I think what you have said is important. I also think that the grace of salvation is truly unmerited. Salvation should not inspire us to live out carnal impulses, though, absolutely. However, we do need to be careful not to confuse the completed work of Christ on the cross and our submission to the Lord in our Christain life. One begets the other, but one is not dependant on the other. (my two cents). I like your thoughts, though. You encourage people here to live as a responsible child of the King and not as a spoiled brat! Thanks for visiting my blog.