Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Fuming about marriage

Now, I know that this post will probably not be read by many, but I must say this. I am tired of our society trying to redefine words to conform to certain agendas. I refuse to call a union of two people of the same gender marriage. Why? For starters, let us look at the definition of marriage. According to one definition at, marriage is:

"the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc." So, by definition, a marriage must have a male and a female.

But Ron, can't two people of the same gender live together and love each other as in a traditional marriage?" Well, let's look at another definition of marriage at the same site:

"a relationship in which two people have pledged themselves to each other in the manner of a husband and wife, without legal sanction: trial marriage; homosexual marriage." That should settle it, right? Well, not quite. Look at the operative words in this definition - "in the manner of a husband and a wife." So, by the very definition, there must be a male and a female role.

But, let's get away from the human aspect of marriage for a moment, and look at a more general definition of marriage.

"a blending or matching of different elements or components." So, what is the point? A marriage can only occur when you are combining different elements. So, a male and a female can marry, but a male and a male cannot.

Why am I writing all of this? Because I cannot control what two males or two females desire to do. However, I cannot just idly sit by and watch how our governments are trying to destroy a Godly institution by changing its very definition. A marriage is a type and shadow of our relationship to Christ. It is the first institution seen in the Bible. It is the way of replenishing the earth. If you agree with me, please let me know. Marriage should not be a political tool subject to the whims of the masses of people or the desires of a few in legislature.


jel said...

I agree with you 100% on this Ron, and I will come back, and tell you, my thinking on this,

I want to get the words right!

Josh said...

I agree also 100%. Society is trying to blind our kids and our own morals. It's just not happening from state to state, but it's also happening on TV. There trying to make it look like it's an everyday thing. Taht it's supposed to be normal. I beg to differ. I go by what God says. He says that it's unlawful. He says it's sin. So I agree it should be one man and one woman. That's it in mind mind. Great post. Keep up the good work.

jel said...

marriage: God instituted marriage and intended for a man and a woman!
and that a lone should stand !
but no! all of the books that I have read, reads was marriage is between a man and a woman!

It's just not natural , to my way of thinking that a man & man or woman &woman , this puts a few kinks in the cirle of life here!
remember the talks about the birds and the bees, a husband and wife , together then a baby,

now not only do they want to marry the same gender, they want kids !

I feel sorry for the kids , when it comes time for they talk about life!

as my daddy always said (IT'S JUST NOT NATURE!)

Bill Williams said...

Thanks for the excellent post, Ron. Your friend jel referred me to this post and I'm glad she did.

May God's richest blessings continue to be with you as you serve the Lord.

-bill @ Spiritual Oasis

Unknown said...

It occurs to me that "definition" is the meaning we ascribe to something. We can define anything as whatever we want, but it doesn't change the nature of the thing.

For example, a can of Coke is sitting on my desk. I can re-write the definition of this Coke and say, "It is not a soft drink. It is a healthy, natural choice."

I may even convince the majority of the world to go along with my new definition. No amount of defining or redefining will change the fact that's it's sugary, caronated calories in a can.

Marriage is what it is. Attempting to re-define it is an exercise in futility.

Joe said...

Well said, Ron.

I may call my little Saturn a Lexus...but it is still a Saturn.

If we want to call an association between same sexes "marriage," then we must find another word to define the union of a man and a woman.

Live, Love, Laugh said...

I agree with you 100%!!! Romans 1, Leviticus, Kings, Corinthians, Genesis all touch on this subject. God created us male and female! enough said!!

Anonymous said...

Ron, well said. That this is even an issue in our culture is significant as an indicator of society's moral relativity.

Live, Love, Laugh said...

Hey Ron I just stopped in again to see if you had posted anything new. This post is so on target, I reread it and it just reminds me how much we need to pray for our nation. My heart is heavy, my nephew is 16 and has recently started hanging around with the gay crowd at school. My sister said he told her yesterday he is gay, but not to tell me, please lift him up in your prayers, his name is Tyler.