Friday, December 22, 2006

Merry Christmas and Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who has visited this blog over the past year. I appreciate the comments, and I pray that we can continue in 2007. Have a blessed Christmas!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Megachurch issues part 2

This will be my last post on this issue, but I needed to talk about this last point. "Megachurches," as they are called here in the United States, have become the trend in Christianity lately. I see pastors who desire to have these types of churches. Never mind God's will anymore; keeping up with the spiritual Joneses has taken priority.

How have we come to this place? We have deviated so far from the original commission that we have convinced ourselves that God's priority is to make us comfortable and happy. I do agree with the statement that "Jesus came to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comforted," but we as a country are by no means afflicted.

Let's face it - we are allowing the materialistic objectives of the world to creep into the church. The focus has become more about being trendy than about preaching the uncompromised Word of God. Come to church, get a free car wash! Come to church, relax, and have a cup of coffee! It seems totally opposite of what we as one church are called to do - go out into the world and preach. This type of marketing is what is becoming the priority in many of our congregations today.

A very good friend of mine told me a profound statement that I will never forget. He said "if you get them with a gimmick, you have to keep them with a gimmick." So, if you are lured into a church because of free coffee, soon that will not be enough. Sooner or later, you will become tired of that and want more - maybe free breakfast! We have only one thing to lure people with, and that is Jesus Christ. The moment we deviate from Christ, we lose focus. It is time for us to regain our focus.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Megachurch issues part 1

I am still reading articles about the impact of Ted Haggard's admission of sexual immorality, and had to make a few comments about it. So, rather than make this one long post, I will address it in segments. In this segment, I want to address the issue of the members. Yahoo! has an article out right now that asks what happens to the members of the fellowship once a pastor falls from grace? Well, if the members are following man rather than God, they will leave. My concern is whether the members of any congregation understand that they do not go to church, they are the church. Unfortunately, we have divided ourselves into so many different groups that we have forgotten that there is only one church, and Christ Jesus is the head of that church. Since Jesus built the church, God can set us as members wherever He feels that we will be best fitted. Yet so many of us decide that we will attend a fellowship because we like the music, the pastor, or any other reason besides submitting to God and being set in a fellowship that He feels is best for us. This is why the true church struggles. We have thousands of people attending megachurches that do not even belong there, so God's will cannot be accomplished because people are not in their right place. We must understand that as one body, we have created this situation. How do we begin to correct it? Go to the Lord, and find out where He desires for us to be set, and begin carrying out our assignment at that fellowship.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Do I really have a testimony?

Today, I wrote a devotional that really hit me hard. I have posted it below. By the way, if you are interested in receiving any of these devotionals, please contact me at, and I will add you to the list.

Rev. 1:9 (KJV) I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.

The word “testimony” in Greek is marturia, which comes from the root word martus, or, translated into English, is martyr. What is a martyr? One definition is “a person who willingly suffers death rather than renounce his or her religion.” Another is “a person who is put to death or endures great suffering on behalf of any belief, principle or cause.” A testimony, then, is not what the Lord has done for me; rather, a testimony is what have I suffered for the Lord. If I have not suffered, I have no testimony. “For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God.” Have I learned to suffer gracefully for Jesus? Once I have learned to endure suffering for the cause of Christ, I have a testimony.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Fuming about marriage

Now, I know that this post will probably not be read by many, but I must say this. I am tired of our society trying to redefine words to conform to certain agendas. I refuse to call a union of two people of the same gender marriage. Why? For starters, let us look at the definition of marriage. According to one definition at, marriage is:

"the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc." So, by definition, a marriage must have a male and a female.

But Ron, can't two people of the same gender live together and love each other as in a traditional marriage?" Well, let's look at another definition of marriage at the same site:

"a relationship in which two people have pledged themselves to each other in the manner of a husband and wife, without legal sanction: trial marriage; homosexual marriage." That should settle it, right? Well, not quite. Look at the operative words in this definition - "in the manner of a husband and a wife." So, by the very definition, there must be a male and a female role.

But, let's get away from the human aspect of marriage for a moment, and look at a more general definition of marriage.

"a blending or matching of different elements or components." So, what is the point? A marriage can only occur when you are combining different elements. So, a male and a female can marry, but a male and a male cannot.

Why am I writing all of this? Because I cannot control what two males or two females desire to do. However, I cannot just idly sit by and watch how our governments are trying to destroy a Godly institution by changing its very definition. A marriage is a type and shadow of our relationship to Christ. It is the first institution seen in the Bible. It is the way of replenishing the earth. If you agree with me, please let me know. Marriage should not be a political tool subject to the whims of the masses of people or the desires of a few in legislature.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Tempus Fugit!

Wow! I just do not realize how quickly time seems to fly by! I have prayed about the devotionals that I write daily, and the Lord has confirmed that those need to be a priority for me. I am also working through what should be posted here as well. I have been posting previous devotionals here; maybe I should continue doing that? I would be interested in knowing your thoughts. I do know that whatever it is, it should be edifying, to build up, certainly not to tear down. I look forward to your comments!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Wow, it has been a while!

Well, I am coming back after a long absence. There is really too much to tell in this one post; suffice it to say, I was at a place where I really felt that I did not matter. I can say that I have come out of that place. It still feels a little awkward, but God has truly provided people that have spoken into my life words of truth and encouragement, and I am getting on my feet again.

I will certainly try to look at my blog at least 3 times a week, but in my job I do a lot of traveling, and since I am focusing on my daily devotionals, I simply may not have time to write here every day.

I look forward to communicating with my old blogging friends again!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Who Do You Say He Is?

Sorry that it has been so long! Suddenly, one day turns into a week, and a week turns into weeks, and, well, you know the rest of the story! Anyhow, I hope this will be a reminder to any who read it.

Matt 16:15-16 (KJV)He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.

Jesus asked all of the disciples the same question. Look at the Scripture again, and notice it says that “He saith unto them.” While he asked of all, only one responded. Simon Peter’s response was not a calculated, rehearsed response. It was an act of simple faith. Peter spoke what he believed. Confess and believe – these are the two actions that Paul told the Romans must occur in order to be saved.

Now what about you? Who do you say that He is? When Christ confronts you with this question in a crowd of people, many who may not believe, what will you say? Are you prepared to be the one that will stand out for Him? Have you established such a relationship with Him that calling Him Christ is a natural occurrence, a simple act of faith? Because Peter was the only one who responded, Jesus told him that upon that rock He will build His church. Did Peter continue to make mistakes? He certainly did, but look how God used him after Christ ascended! God is not a respecter of persons, and He wants to use you in the same way he used Peter. Be prepared to be that rock, that cornerstone of faith wherever you are.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Joy Turned into Sadness

I was heartbroken. When I awakened on Wednesday morning, I heard the newscaster say that all but one of the miners were dead. The night before, I listened to Geraldo Rivera state that all of the miners were alive. He could barely speak, his harsh throat straining to speak above the hysteria. Now, this morning, I had to fight back tears as I listened to one man describe how the joy and singing outside the church turned into anger and cursing.

Did God change in that period of time? God did not change, but man certainly did. God will allow us to be tested to see if we really walk by faith, and not by sight.

Finally, I grieved as I listened to one reporter interviewing the aunt of one of the victims on the phone. The reporter was reacting to a comment that the woman made about how she found out about all of the events while watching the channel that was interviewing her. He replied by commenting that someone else began to spread the false information, and not their station. That may be so, but don't reporters have an obligation to verify their sources before they report news? I think it to be no surprise that so many are quick to avoid responsibility. It is a sad commentary on our society. I pray that we all learn the power of personal responsibility.